Week 1 in the Real World: Interning at FiscalNote


Hello Everyone!

I just finished my first week at my internship at the startup FiscalNote, and I have to say this place is amazing. This is the first internship that I’ve gotten that I actually feel a part of the action, and realize that our generation has the power, means, and technology to do anything and to make a difference. 

Named by CNN as the top 10 startups in the world to work at, recognized by Fortune for their Series C Funding, and working alongside the CEO  Tim Hwang who is listed on both Forbes and Inc‘s 30 under 30 list, it’s seriously an honor to be a part of the small yet groundbreaking FiscalNote team where I am working alongside the most intelligent and inspiring people in the entire country.

It’s been an honor being invited as a Junior Political Writer and as a part of the Marketing Team. FiscalNote in an essence, makes government data more accessible and helps businesses and organizations take control of their government strategy. 

To be completely honest, until I started working there I didn’t really know what that meant, and I’m still learning how the company works, but just messing around with the website was so incredibly fascinating. I also had the chance to sit in on a sales call with a client where I learned so much about the company and how much government data is available and how revolutionizing FiscalNote really is. But the greatest thing I’ve noticed, is how much they care about each and every one of their clients and customers. One of their core values includes customer success, and for the past week I’ve been onboarding and learning all about the different sectors of their company. 

Interning at FiscalNote is amazing, and being in DC is a great benefit as well (even though my bank account is surely taking the punch because the metro is ridiculously expensive). Yesterday was the FiscalNote Three Year Anniversary on the Rooftop of  Old Ebbitt Grill, which was located right next to the White House. Of course there were secret service on the roof with binoculars watching our every move, but I tried waving to President Obama anyway 🙂 

I was iffy about this work party, because I don’t really count as a real person (being an intern and all), but truly meeting all of the amazing people at the company and actually getting to shake Tim Hwang’s hand was an experience I’ll never forget. Plus their wine selection was spectacular 🙂 The best part of working at FiscalNote is that even the Interns are valued at the company and not just people who go fetch coffee or shadow executive members. I have my own standing desk (where I sit next to the other Marketing Interns), mac, additional monitor, and great FiscalNote Swag including clothing, pens, stickers, water bottles, etc 🙂





This is me on the roof! You can see the Washington Monument in the background, and I was looking straight ahead at the White House. For all you know, I could have been on the phone with President Obama himself 😉




The venue, the party, the people, and the company in general seriously is a dream come true. Although I’m not totally a fan of the real world and the metro is really frustrating, I can’t wait to make so many more memories this summer!

If you liked this post and want to hear more about my summer adventures in DC, then be sure to hit the follow or subscribe button below 🙂 Also feel free to comment your thoughts! 

You can also contact me at tumblah28@gmail.com and follow me on twittertumblr, and pinterest!







11 Comments Add yours

  1. vinneve says:

    Congratulations! 🙂


  2. Maria says:

    Your internship and experience sounds great! I would love to hear more about it! I followed! Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sandhya says:

      Thank you! 🙂


  3. You’re all grown up and classy and professional and I’m so proud ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sandhya says:

      Aww thanks Katie 🙂 ❤ I couldn't have done it without your help


  4. ilyaS Edrok says:


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sandhya says:

      THANK YOU ILYAS 😅😅 your words mean a lot to me 🙂


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